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Using Instagram? Beware as there’s risk of cheating via fake Instagram Id

Using Instagram? Beware as there’s risk of cheating via fake Instagram Id

Nirmeeti Patole:-

State Cyber Cell, Jabalpur arrested a girl for creating a fake Instagram Id of her friend and posting inappropriate comments, along with the photo.

Photo of complainant Sneha went viral with vulgar comments.
Fake account was created by the name Priya Thakur.
By creating fake Instagram Id, accused disturbed her classmate.
Complainant is a post graduate.
In order to destroy the image of her classmate, accused had committed this crime.

According to the recent measures taken by Purushottam Sharma, Special Director General of Police and Rajesh Gupta, Cyber Cell stated that the photo of complainant was misused for creating a fake Instagram Id. They also said that complainant Sneha was the resident of Jabalpur and had filed a FIR for being cheated.

Under the guidance of Ankit Shukla, SP, Cyber Cell, Jabalpur, the complaint was considered immediately and investigation was started soon. The crime was registered under Section 66C, 67 IT Act. Fake Instagram account was closed by the cyber police. On the basis of technical information, it was found that the accused Priya Thakur committed this crime and was a resident of Gadha, Jabalpur.

A detailed interrogation process was done by the cyber police. While asking the questions to accused, it was revealed that she used to study in the complainant’s college. Due to the personal grudges against Sneha, accused created a plan to teach her a lesson. Hence she created a false Instagram Id and posted very terrifying comments and inadequate photos.

Main intention of the criminal was to bring down the complainant’s reputation in the social media and hence she did this. But all her motives were curbed by the Cyber Police and orders of her arrest were soon declared. Hence the Cyber Cell played a major role in this case with their whole team.  


  1. When it comes to fooling people, display pics are increasingly being used in honey traps.

  2. In any case, the fake ID cards of good quality look proficient and look practically genuine. AUSTRALIAN FAKE ID


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