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Cyber awareness - About Professional Cyber Criminals प्रोफेशनल साइबर क्रिमिनल्‍स


Professional Cyber Criminals
The director of Product Solution Management for Asia Pacific and Japan Mr Tarun Kauro who even represents the Symantec Security Solutions says that the hackers now-a-days  have become more skilled and advanced. They have transformed the cyber crime into a well planned business model. Employing young budding hackers with good pay and great weekend policy they get work force easily who are even ready to work on hourly basis. Along with these, even low level cyber crimes are being promoted by them.
India is a very easy prey
Indian youth is very big in number with mobile connections. With internet in their hands, they are unaware about the types of crime happening online or in virtual world. With such critical cyber infrastructure, India is a hot destination for the hackers. There was a time when India was known as spam capital in the virtual world. While during the same time, the neighboring countries of India have seen a good amount of drop in spam. During the year 2014, India was placed sixth in spam. While if we aggregate spam, malware attacks, phishing hosts and added bots India was third in being victim of cyber crime.
Which companies is the target?
Very often we read in news that a company’s site was hacked. By hacking big sites, the hackers come into news. In Asia, Indian companies are the sixth most targeted ones. Financial companies, companies of public utilities are hot target.           India ranked 7th in cases of cyber attack during the year 2013 and ranked 3rd in the year 2015.


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