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Cyber Awareness- Do not entertain unknown international calls!

You are in the middle of something and a missed call annoys you. Thinking you have missed the call you want to call back immediately to make sure you didn’t miss something important. Wait. Before you call back, make sure that isn’t an international number

From recent times, we are receiving missed calls from international numbers quite frequently. People are receiving such missed calls since long time, but now, its frequency has increased. The callers are fraudsters. These calls are traced to many parts of the world. The fraudster would call you and would cut the call within two rings. And you would think that you have missed an important call. Wait before calling back. Ignore such missed calls from international numbers. Do not call back. You must be aware of the ISD call charges of your telecom operator. Over that, once you would call, you would be directly linked to some music or adult services and the call hangs up on its own. After the call you would realize that a hefty balance has been cut from your balance or your bill has a hefty amount. 

Even the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has advised the users to not to entertain calls from unknown numbers and unknown international calls.

Don’t over think on how the scammer got your telephone number. There are many ways to get anyone’s phone number. Think on what you want to do when you get such missed calls.
·         Ignore
·         If you still feel that the call might be an important one, you can search for that number on or true caller app. There you will get to know whether the number is of a scam call or not.
Ignore such calls and avoid being a victim.


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